Monday, 15 November 2010

Coursework Gangster Genre Idea

Men are gambling at a table, playing poker, in suits with cigars in the mouth when a man rushes in and whispers in one of their ears. Then men drop everything and rush outside the doors and jump into their car, just in time as they get shot at. They speed away and wind down their windows, pulling their own guns out and shooting behind them. There's a short car chase where there is fast music then a blackout and the name of the film comes up, as slow quiet music begins to play and the titles begin to appear in white font, against a black background.

What was good? The props, costume and setting (the mis-en-scene) fits in with the gangster genre.
How can it be improved? Dramatic music to be played when gambling too.

What was good? The car chase because it shows panic and crime.
How can it be improved? Music could play while this is happening.

What was good? It was straight into the action, so grabs the audiences attention.
How can it be improved? It should be explained more.

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